After having kept in my laptop for a long time, I’ve pushed some notes about git and github on line. They cover the workflow I use to work on code bases, tips ‘n tricks about git/github, aligning branches and remote/local repos and more. I am often asked about many of these things, so I hope having it published will be useful.
Tag: Geeky Life
Recently, in my team, we have managed to start periodic talks/discussions on software engineering, including best practices, project management tools, code style, testing and all that jazz. If you are in a large-enough team in a full software house, probably you’re thinking: well, this kind of meetings should be pretty standard in this business. Well, […]
The Continuous Integration idea is great: people send their software code changes to a shared repository like github, and the CI reacts by building the executable product on the fly, and even using it to redeploy test servers and make latest cool features available for testing and showcasing.
In this short presentation, I show how I manage my continuous integration jobs from one script for all my projects and without (too many) dependencies on any specific CI software.
A window manager is a computer application that eases the use of multiple shell sessions at the same time.
In this post, I’ll show how you can create Maven projects that spawn command line tools. I’ll be using the great picocli library, and I’ll show how a new CLI project can be quickly generated, starting from my Maven CLI archetype.
My Maven Archetype for Java Command Line ProjectsRead More »
I’ve had a chance to give this tutorial about Linked Open Data. It was at /dev/summer/2014, a very nice 1-day meeting, packed with a great variety of topics for software developers. It was very nice to go around the presentation rooms and get a bite of so many new topics. I’ve adapted the material from […]
I haven’t had much time recently to update this personal web site, I realise it seems abandoned. Well, the good news is that what I’ve been busy with is cool! 🙂 For instance, end of March, I enjoyed working with my Italian friends from the Spaghetti Open Data Group, to deliver a 1-day tutorial […]
Maven has several nice plug-ins to automate almost all the stages of a release process. Whether it is changing your POM with a new version number, tagging your SCM or updating references in other POMs, you can do it by just a few command lines. Even better, you can put Maven goals into a continuous integration software and release with just a few clicks.
My personal lib of utils is now a quite public project, jUtils (part of ISA-Tools) and the code in it doesn't come from myself only any more. In this post, I'd like to give a brief overview of what it offers. Who knows, that bit you were about to code yourself might be described in the next paragraphs.
Un’ introduzione sul mondo del software aperto e un assaggio di Linux.
Introduzione al Software Aperto e a Linux [Italian]Read More »
A Web page animation program, published on IRT.